The Pills. Some whisper they are the seeds Boris sowed for the BYOVerse to flourish, and for us to harvest the fruits. Those who possess Genesis pills can utilize their ingredients at will. That is, if they can procure those ingredients...
The Genesis pills are the 10,000 BYOPills crafted by Boris the Cook, and they are also represented by the BYOPills NFTs in the BYO ecosystem. They are pivotal items in the BYOVerse: each original BYOPill signifies a connection to a single unique ingredient. Furthermore, most consumable pills (and other craftable items) will require more than one ingredient to be crafted. Crafting such items necessitates a connection to a Genesis Pill of each ingredient. Pill holders will always have the connection to their pill when crafting, while non-holders will have to pay a minor fee to the holder of a pill whose ingredient they are using.
For instance, if a consumable pill X requires ingredient A and ingredient B, a player crafting that pill will pay a fee to an ingredient A pill holder and an ingredient B pill holder each time they craft it.
This connection is automated but still requires pill holders to be online, thus encouraging them to actively participate in the economy. In a sense, pill holders are the guardians of their pills' ingredients. Without them, those ingredients cannot be used.
Moreover, Genesis Pills grant a long-cooldown teleportation ability allowing their holder to return to the associated BYOLand.
On the flip side, crafted pills are essential for survival in the BYOVerse. They function as consumables used to enhance player abilities or to shield them against the threats they may encounter in the various biomes of the BYOVerse, from fauna to environmental hazards, and even other players.
Genesis Pills will also have a long-cooldown consumable effect.
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