The BYOLands are the beating heart of the BYOVerse. They span a third of the BYOVerse's surface, with each of the 10,056 unique BYOLands producing one of the 37 distinct Ingredients. The remaining part of the world, a neutral zone, is home to towns and outposts, as well as the Wilderness, a place of intrigue and danger, filled with ruins and relics from the BYOVerse's past.
Each BYOLand belongs to one of the 16 diverse biomes, each with its own environmental characteristics that can be either beneficial or challenging. For instance, the Desolated Dune biome, known for its high temperatures and low humidity, is a haven for creatures that thrive in such conditions.
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Influence of Ingredients
The Ingredient of a BYOLand also impacts its biome. For example, a BYOLand that yields Radioactive Prasiolite often sees mutations in the creatures that inhabit it, necessitating extra caution from explorers daring to explore it.
Environment balance
The lands are alive and react to how they are treated. Overexploitation can lead to significant environmental reactions, such as an increase in environmental hazards or a rise in the number and danger of the fauna. It's a delicate balance between exploration and preservation in this fascinating world.
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