Character Progression and Classes
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As players journey through the BYOVerse, they accumulate experience points in various fields of expertise, each tied to the actions they perform. For instance, harvesting resources yields harvesting experience, and so forth. As players level up in a particular field, they automatically unlock passive skills related to that domain and gain the option to purchase more potent, primary skills using in-game currency. Once purchased, these primary skills can be activated in the skill tree using Skill Points, bestowing their benefits upon the player.
The skill tree has many branches, each specialized in a specific domain of expertise, such as Harvesting, Mining, Hunting, Exploring, Crafting, Weapon Mastery, Driving, Survival, and more.
While any character may max out each and every branch in the Skill Tree, unlocking passive skills and purchasing primary skills, the number of active primary skills a character can have is limited by their Skill Points Pool. Apostle characters have a larger pool than standard characters. This limit can be increased by spending TRYP to raise the pool’s size.
Goddess: 100 skill points
Ancient: 80 skill points
Psychonaut: 60 skill points
Voyagers: 50 skill points
Standard: 30 skill points
This limitation doesn't mean that players with Apostle characters will outshine standard characters outright. Instead, they'll have more versatility, able to specialize in more branches of the Skill Tree (horizontal progression). Furthermore, all characters will have the option to "respec" by spending TRYP to reclaim their Skill Points, allowing them to adapt and evolve their skill sets as they see fit.
There won’t be a class system in the BYOVerse, but there will be class archetypes that players can mold their characters towards. This can be achieved by:
Selecting specific skills from the Skill Tree
Equipping gear with particular traits or abilities
Crafting and consuming suitable pills
The NFT characters currently available don't strictly adhere to specific classes, as most skill trees are open to all characters. However, there are a few exceptions. Goddesses and Ancients have unique access to certain areas, while Psychonauts and Voyagers find certain skill trees more accessible.
The Apostles are genetically and technologically engineered cyborgs created by Boris the Cook.The purpose behind their creation remains shrouded in mystery, with only fragments of information revealed to the Apostles themselves.
We believe that simply offering gameplay advantages proportional to the cost of NFT characters would create an unfair playing field for those using less expensive or free characters. Thus, we aim to incorporate NFT characters through horizontal progression, offering complementary gameplay layers, rather than vertical progression.
Goddesses are incredibly powerful beings. They seem to radiate pure energy - or is it TRYP? - through glowing cables woven into their bodies. Their ability to manipulate TRYP appears boundless
It is unclear whether the gods referred to by some tribes of the BYOVerse are the same as Goddess Apostles. Nevertheless, many legends surround the abilities of Goddesses, speaking about the blessings they bestow, the power they receive from their believers’ prayers, or more dangerous abilities like energy emissions or tenfold size increase…
Goddesses are extremely rare characters with their own dedicated gameplay layer in the BYOVerse.We aim to offer players who have invested in a Goddess a unique player experience that is impactful yet interconnected with the experiences of other players. Here are the currently planned mechanics:
Blessings/Curses: When a Goddess character is online, its power radiates around it, providing a significant boost or debuff to nearby allies or enemies
Defending: As Goddesses are massive beacons of TRYP, their presence inevitably draws attention, ultimately manifesting events such as waves of monsters attacking the Goddess.
Praying: To summon a Goddess and allow her to unleash her powers, other characters can create altars in her name and spend resources on them.
Sharding: A Goddess can divide herself into shards, creating several NFT characters that are weaker versions of her. Sharding a Goddess allows multiple players to play as a Goddess with reduced risks and rewards.
The Ancients, the inaugural Apostles crafted by Boris, have been the subject of much debate and speculation in various myths and legends. Some tales depict them as world protectors, slumbering until the arrival of imminent dangers.
Others suggest they are the shepherds of ethereal creatures visible only to them, while a few believe they serve long-departed gods anticipated to return. Of course, it's impossible to confirm any of these theories, but further exploration of ancient ruins could provide some clues...…
Ancients share a unique bond with Goddesses. Besides being more robust characters than Psychonauts or Voyagers, they possess the ability to interact with Goddesses in several ways. Here are the currently planned features, with more to be revealed in the future:
Guardians: Ancients can access combat skills that allow them to shield nearby allies, particularly Goddesses, from enemy attacks (using abilities like shields, taunts, etc.).
Altar: Ancients have the ability to construct altars where they and other players can expend resources to summon or strengthen a Goddess.
Memories: Ancients can collect memories from artifacts discovered in ruins within the Wilderness, unlocking new recipes or abilities in the process.
Psychonauts, along with Voyagers, make up the majority of the Genesis Apostles. Their role in the BYOVerse seems to be a mystery, even to themselves. However, their proficiency in mental skills opens up intriguing possibilities with the tribes of the BYOVerse and/or the fauna.
Psychonauts are masters of mental powers and have much easier access to skills related to mental manipulation, including psychic-enhancing pills.
While they may be slightly more fragile than Voyagers, they compensate for this with their BYOPill Injectors - visible on their backpacks - which combine BYOPills to enhance their physical, psychic, or psychokinetic abilities.
Voyagers, along with Psychonauts, form the main body of the Genesis Apostles. They are experts in the physical world, possessing an innate ability to connect with their environment in numerous ways. This makes them highly efficient in activities related to movement, exploration, resource spotting, espionage, and more.
Voyagers have much easier access to skills related to movement and physical manipulation, such as speed buffs or debuffs, exploration and spotting, teleportation, and more. Their resilience is average, providing a balanced experience for those who choose to navigate the BYOVerse as a Voyager.