Survival Mechanics
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Survival in the BYOVerse requires players to meet their characters' basic needs such as food, water, and oxygen. By fulfilling these essential survival objectives, the character's body can produce enough energy. This energy is then consumed to maintain body temperature, regenerate health, and generally navigate various gameplay loops.
However, the diverse biomes of the BYOVerse can disrupt this process, impairing its efficiency and threatening players' performance.
A survival suit is a player's trusty companion, shielding the character's body against the various environmental hazards found in the many biomes of the BYOVerse. The survival suit, powered by the body's energy consumption loop, can be equipped with suit components such as a Head Apparatus, Filter, HUD, etc., each consuming a different amount of suit power slots. By default, the body can power a fixed amount of suit power slots in addition to supporting its vital functions. However, this amount is only applicable in "safe" conditions, which are rare in the BYOVerse. Most of the time, the body's energy demand will increase with environmental hazards, risking overloading the body's power supply if too many power-demanding components are used. Therefore, players will face challenging decisions depending on their play style and objectives: whether to go light or heavy on gear, rely heavily on BYOPills to boost their abilities, use specialized gear or versatile gear, etc. The current directions for suit components design include:
Suit boosting components to improve the suit's ability to mitigate environmental effects
Scanning components to enhance the player's ability to identify objectives or potential threats.
Converter components to benefit from environmental effects, using them as power sources.
Combat components to improve the player's combat efficiency.
And more…
With sufficient experience, players will have the capability to craft new suit components using BYOMats, which are made with specific ingredients. These components can then be equipped with various effects that are responsive to environmental hazards, enhancing the adaptability of your survival suit. Each Apostle character begins their journey in the BYOVerse with a full set of suit components. These components, each with their own unique capabilities, may or may not work together efficiently. On the other hand, F2P characters start their adventure with a basic suit. Its components are more uniform, but overall, they might not be as effective when evaluated individually.
The consumption of pills offers characters temporary advantages, while also permanently enhancing their affinity for the pill's ingredients. However, pill consumption isn't without its own set of challenges. Each pill consumed increases the character’s TRYP intoxication level, eventually necessitating a period of rest and neurossimilation to extract the rawTRYP from the character’s brain.
Certain branches of the Skill Tree are dedicated to ingredients, enabling players who reach specific affinity milestones to unlock skills that optimize the benefits derived from ingredients. This could involve reducing the intoxication level or amplifying the pill's effect. Consequently, the most committed players will, over time, cultivate an enhanced ability to assimilate multiple ingredients simultaneously, leading to more potent combined effects.